Looking for some great dog walking tips to kick off the new year?
Very often I hear the complaint: “I would work out and go to the gym if I had a work out buddy.” For many of us, we do have a work out partner – our dogs … they need exercise as bad as we do!
According to statistics by the Association for Pet Obesity
Prevention, 53% of dogs are obese. Obesity in dogs can cause a lot of medical
complications including:
- Susceptibility to arthritis and heart conditions
- Torn ACLs
- Anesthesia risks
- Tumors
- Skin diseases
- Longevity
What are the advantages of walking your dog?
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers chances of obesity
- Improves cardiovascular functions
- Strengthens muscles
- Decreases stress
- Improves physical and mental well being
Bark Busters Miami offers these tips when walking your dog:
- Try and walk 30 minutes a day at least 5 times/week.
You can burn a 100 calories during a mile walk.
- Always keep your dog on a leash unless you are
in a leash free zone.
- Always supervise your dog on a walk especially
around small children or other dogs.
- Take a bag to clean up after your dog.
- Bring a bottle of fresh water for you and your
- Make sure your dog has pet identification tags
in case he gets away.
- Avoid walking in extreme heat or cold.
- Let your dog sniff around for mental
- If your dog pulls on the leash, consider a
harness such as the WaggWalker.
- Never use a retractable leash as they can cause
injuries. A shorter leash will allow you more control.
- Always ask permission before approaching another
- If you walk during the evening, both you and
your dog should wear reflective clothing.
- Walk slightly in front of your dog so you are
seen as “the pack leader”.
When you get home, don’t stop establishing
yourself as the “leader” Your dog will love and respect you more if you are in
control vs. leaving this up to him. Have your dog wait patiently while you put
away his leash or take off your shoes.
If you need help getting your dog to walk calmly by your side, call Bark Busters Miami or email me.